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Team Health Concept will Create WhatsApp Group with Doctors & Patient
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Who We Are
Since the lockdown, Health Concept along with My Green Society, NSS and many other foundations, have distributed 3.5 million Homeopathic Immunity Booster bottles.
As the lockdown eased... and cases of Health Issue started rising, patients started approaching the volunteers enquiring about Health Issue treatment. In turn, the volunteers approached the doctors from Health Concept and together we started treating active Health Issue patients.
We then started noticing certain symptoms which are common to a lot of patients. Based on this we got excellent results with specific homeopathic medicines for these common symptoms. We then went ahead and put these medicines together in a compact kit.
So the advantage being that having this medicine kit at hand helps save time. As soon as anyone develops symptoms or even if anyone is at risk/ exposed one can contact a Health Concept physician and start medication right away.
Medicine Distributed
Medicine Distributed
Medicine bottle for 4 Weeks
App is available for free on app store
Our user friendly app can help you to find and make appointment.
Once you download the app.. Just drop a text message or voice message.. about your disease/ symptoms.. and we will connect with you immediately!!.. Looking forward to hearing from you soon..

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Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that originated in 1796 by a German Dr. Samuel Hahnemann based on the doctrine “Similia Similibus Curantur” i....

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Success Stories
In august I suddenly got symptoms of cold and fever. The same day my father had called me for some work, so I met with him briefly since I didn't wish to pass on any infection I might have contacted.
A patient from
Goregaon, MumbaiBeing diagnosed with a dangerous virus can be very traumatic and challenging for not only the patient but also the family. At such times, having full-time support and guidance really makes a difference.
Prof. Sumeet Rathod
Patient's HusbandMy sister was tested Health Issue positive in September. I was worried since her symptoms were not improving as quickly as they should have. A friend recommended me to try Health Concept's Health Issue Treatment Plan.
Aashish Dalvi
Patient's Brother, Mumbai SuburbsA group was created to ensure my timely treatment. Throughout my treatment span, the doctors and volunteers were always available to attend my calls and responded to me whenever I needed help. My symptoms were treated solely on Health Concept’s Health Issue Plan!
Rozina Umed Dodhia
50 years old, Mumbai SuburbsWhen I had my children, I made a decision that when they fall sick I will only opt for homeopathy as a treatment. As children my brother and I were always taken to our family homeopath for any bouts of sickness. And I feel very happy an nd consider myself lucky that we have a wonderful family homeopath in Dr Vedati Packiam.
Vijay Krishna Acharya (Victor).
Bollywood Director / Script WriterCall Us or Fill The Form
Feel free to talk to our doctors at any time you please using our inquiry form on our website or one of the below instant messaging programs. Please be patient while waiting for response.