Back pain is among the most common problems that one encounters in day to day life, especially with changing lifestyles. With the...

The onset of the cold weather may see a marked rise in the number of cases of H1N1 Influenza or Swine Flu....

Obesity is defined as an excess proportion of body fat as compared to one’s height. Obesity is a major health risk. The extra w...

Neck and back pain are among the most common problems that one encounters in day to day life, especially with changing lifestyles....

Kidney Stone is a hard, crystalline substance made of salts and minerals in the urine that stick together creating pebbles. Could...

Its back – as expected, the changing weather has seen a marked rise in the number of cases of Influenza WHY DO INFLUENZA CASE...

Homoeopathy is a system of medicine that originated in 1796 by a German Dr. Samuel Hahnemann based on the doctrine “Similia Simi...

Summers in Delhi can be quite oppressive and it can turn into an ordeal for those who need to travel a lot. Exposure to excessive ...

There’s a nip in the air and the winter season is here. It’s the festive season and the time to go out and enjoy the weather. ...

A Healthy Heart dwells in a Healthy Body. A balanced, healthy diet is the key to a healthy heart and longevity. Healthy eating i...

Most people believe that we feel thirsty whenever our body needs water. While this is true, research has shown that there are seve...

Hair loss is one of the most distressing conditions as it affects one’s appearance. Shedding 50-100 strands of hair a day is a n...

Festivals are the time for celebration and good food is an integral aspect of festivities. The secret to maintaining good health ...

It is a well-known fact that regular physical exercise together with a nourishing and healthy diet is a must for healthy living. ...

Most of our work is done on computers which is a visually intensive task. Unfortunately, work pressure and lifestyle don’t perm...

Winter is just the right time to go out and enjoy the cold air. But this chill also brings a host of problems with it. The cold,...