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Neck and back pain are among the most common problems that one encounters in day to day life, especially with changing lifestyles. With the increase in the number of professionals who sit for hours together in front of the computer in one posture the number of people suffering from spinal problems is on the rise.
Neck and back pain are among the most common problems that one encounters in day to day life, especially with changing lifestyles.
With the increase in the number of professionals who sit for hours together in front of the computer in one posture the number of people suffering from spinal problems is on the rise.
Cervical as well as Lumbar Spondylosis is caused by the chronic wearing away (degeneration) of the spine, including that of the cushions between the vertebrae.
Sometimes adjacent vertebrae develop small, rough areas of bone on their edges (spurs).
These changes can, over time compress one or more nerve roots, causing complications.
- Ageing: Degenerative changes begin innocuously after 30 yrs of age but
symptoms usually appear after 55 yrs of age.
- Past neck or back injury ( usually several years back )
- Past spinal surgery
- Severe Arthritis
- Sedentary Lifestyle: Repetitive Strain Injury – A lifestyle without
ergonomic care, incorrect working or sleeping posture, traveling, etc.
- Neck Pain: usually worse on arising in the morning. It may radiate to the
shoulders or arms.
- Neck Stiffness – Progressively worsening.
- Loss of sensation in shoulders or arms
- Pins and needles sensation in shoulders or arms ( rarely legs )
- Weakness of arms, at times associated with clumsiness.
- Headaches especially at the back of the head.
- Low Backache especially in the morning or after prolonged sitting.
- At times pain radiates down the legs and may be associated with numbness or a tingling sensation in the legs or feet.
- Some patients complain of giddiness and loss of balance.
- There may be irritability, fatigue, or disturbed sleep.
X-ray or MRI of the cervical and lumbar spine can show the extent of the degenerative changes.
EMG or Myelogram is done to ascertain the functioning of the nerves.
A 3-pronged treatment plan is followed in cases of spinal spondylosis :
- Adequate bed rest is recommended in moderate to severe cases.
- Reduce your activity for the 1st couple of days, and then slowly resume normal activities.
- do not perform activities involving heavy lifting or twisting of back or neck for at least 6 weeks.
- After 2-3 weeks, resume mild exercises and avoid vigorous activities like football, tennis, etc.
- Medication is given to relieve the symptoms.
Homoeopathic medicines such as Rhus Tox, Bryonia, Lacnanthes, Kalmia, Hypericum, Arnica, Cimicifuga, and many more are prescribed according to the symptoms of the patient.
- Hot and Cold Fomentation. Apply ice initially for 2-3 days, then use a heating pad or hot showers.
- Sleep on a firm mattress with a special neck pillow.
- Use lower back support while sitting or driving.
- Spine strengthening exercises done on a regular basis help to alleviate the symptoms and prevent relapses.