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Summers in Delhi can be quite oppressive and it can turn into an ordeal for those who need to travel a lot. Exposure to excessive heat can cause many unpleasant ailments such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, headaches, skin rashes, etc.
Summers in Delhi can be quite oppressive and it can turn into an ordeal for those who need to travel a lot. Exposure to excessive heat can cause many unpleasant ailments such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion, headaches, skin rashes, etc.
What is heat stroke?
- This is a life-threatening condition brought on by excessive
exposure to heat
- It occurs when our natural cooling system i.e. sweating fails
- Heat exhaustion is a milder condition which can turn into the
potentially fatal heat stroke if left untreated.
What are the symptoms of Heat Exhaustion?
- Nausea, vomiting, dizziness, headache, muscle cramps are the
common symptoms of heat exhaustion.
What are the symptoms of Heat Stroke
- Abnormally high temperature – upto 106 F
- Confusion, disorientation, hallucinations.
- Weak, rapid pulse
- Dry, hot skin.
How can we treat Heat Exhaustion or Heat Stroke?
Basic 1st Aid :
- Move the patient to a cool place.
- Place his feet higher than his head to avoid shock.
- Massage cramped muscles.
- Remove his clothing and wrap him in a wet sheet and spray water
and fan him.
- Give him sips of cool water with ½ tsp salt, if he can tolerate it.
- Put ice-packs on the neck, arm-pits, and groin area.
- Once the temperature reaches 101 F, do not lower it further.
- DO NOT give fever-reducing medication.
- DO NOT use rubbing alcohol.
- Shift the patient to a hospital as soon as possible.
Medical Treatment :
Once the patient is hospitalized, he is given symptomatic treatment and is investigated for any organ failure.
Homoeopathic medicines such as Gelsemium, Glonoine, Pulsatilla,
Belladonna etc. are helpful in treating symptoms of heat exhaustion.
Prevention is always better than cure, therefore one must try and equip ourselves to best deal with the heat by following the above tips.