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Festivals are the time for celebration and good food is an integral aspect of festivities. The secret to maintaining good health while enjoying good food lies in balancing your food choices. Below are a few tips on healthy festive eating.
Healthy Eating for Festivals
Festivals are the time for celebration and good food is an integral aspect of festivities.
The secret to maintaining good health while enjoying good food lies in balancing your food choices. Below are a few tips on healthy festive eating.
Eating Smart: A Key to Healthy Eating
Healthy eating begins with learning how to “eat smart”. It's not just what you eat, but how you eat.
Choose Wisely: When choosing items, be aware of calorie- and fat-packed salad dressings, spreads, cheese, sour cream, etc.
Avoid mayonnaise and add mustard or ketchup instead.
Avoid deep-fried, pan-fried, batter-dipped, or creamy dishes.
Choose items with more vegetables or lean meat.
Choose baked, broiled, grilled, or steamed items.
- Take time to chew your food: Chew your food slowly, savoring every bite. Reconnect with the joy of eating.
- Drink water: Aerated drinks are a huge source of hidden calories. Try adding a little lemon to your water or ordering unsweetened iced tea. Avoid alcoholic drinks or limit their intake and drink sensibly.
- Avoid buffets – even seemingly healthy ones like salad bars. You'll likely overeat to get your money's worth. If you can’t avoid one, then make healthy choices and avoid second helpings.
- Avoid stress while eating: When we are stressed, our digestion can be compromised, causing problems like colitis and heartburn. Avoid eating while working, driving, arguing, or watching TV
- Listen to your body: Ask yourself if you are really hungry. Eating just enough to satisfy your hunger will help you remain alert, relaxed, and feeling your best.
- Eat early, eat often: Starting your day with a healthy breakfast can jumpstart your metabolism, and eating the majority of your daily caloric allotment early in the day gives your body time to work those calories off.
Always remember the big picture. On special occasions like festivals, make sure your earlier meals that day are extra healthy. Moderation is always the key, but planning ahead can help you relax and enjoy your festive experience while maintaining good nutrition and diet control.
Eating Healthy is not about staying unrealistically thin or depriving yourself of foods you love. Rather it is about feeling great, having more energy, and staying healthy.